Blogeri žiaci

      • Deň svätého Patrika
        • Deň svätého Patrika

        • 18.03.2020 20:25
        • Píše Timea Rusnáková, naša nová žiačka, ktorá len nedávno nastúpila do našej školy z Írska, o slávení sviatku Dňa svätého Patrika. Obrázok nám poslal a vlastného zajka Pištu "nastajloval" Majo Nemčík z 8.A
        • Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated on 17th March. It marks the death of an Irish patron who brought Christianity to Ireland. His real name was Maewyn Succat. Some schools are named after him.

          When I was in Ireland we went to the town centre for parades, to see leprechauns, tractors, musicians and to eat traditional Irish dishes. Sometimes schools made up a dance or a show at parades. At school we also performed dances and whoever had the best dance got a prize. Everyone in the third class did Irish dancing in front of the whole school. We dressed ourselves in green because the shamrock is a symbol of Ireland and  the Irish flag is green as well. Saint Patrick got rid of all snakes so teacher prepared races for us. She created paper snakes and the main goal was to blow them down from a table by waving a piece of paper.

          There is also a myth going around Ireland that if you find a four-leaf plant that is called shamrock or clover you will have luck for the rest of your life. Try to find it! Good luck!

          Autorka Blogu: Timea Rusnáková, 7.A

          Autor fotografie: Mário Nemčík, 8.A

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